Shelsea Herbert Shelsea Herbert

What is Habit Mapping?

The name Habmapin is a shortened version of Habit Mapping. Think of the phrase, “Let’s map this out".”

Any time you go from one place to another, there is a trail involved. Perhaps you follow a trail that was already established or you pave your way and leave a trail behind you. Either way, it’s easier to find your way when a map is involved. Through coaching sessions, your coach will help you see the “map” more clearly.

How does this work?

To answer that, let me define a habit:

Habit: a small action that we do consistently with minimal effort.

We all have countless daily habits and thus far, our current lifestyle is the sum of all of our habits leading up till now.

Picture this:

Sue has lived in the same house for 10 years and her front yard was a patch of dirt. She wanted to create something beautiful, so she decided to drop a wildflower seed in the dirt every morning. After two weeks she didn’t see any flowers, but she kept dropping one seed every morning. Eventually, she sees the flowers growing and by the end of the year, she will have 365 potential flowers in her yard. (If Sue forgets a few days, she can still have over 300 flowers!) Even if those flowers don’t come up this year, she may see them pop up in the right season in the future. Then those flowers will create their own seeds and brings up the compound effect (a story for another day…)

Just like Sue’s daily seed created a garden, all our daily habits create our “garden.” With intention, you can shape this garden (your life) like a master landscaper.

This quote from Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah is a powerful example of how a discipline with food gives you the self control to create many other good things in life.

“Hunger is the first element of self-discipline. If you can control what you eat and drink, you can control everything else.” -Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah

Consider every daily habit one step on your trail to get from your current state to where you want to be. Our goal is to make you the expert cartographer or landscaper of your own life and nutrition is the vehicle. Let’s map your journey, one habit at a time, and watch as confidence blossoms in your life and body.

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